Tuesday 28 July 2015

Unity, Android, Windows and Erks*

Firstly: I'm not a developer.

Secondly: I've never used an Android

Thirdly: When I used Unity at work for some augmented reality iPad app for Land Rover, I had my hand-held by the in-house developer.

Fourthly: I'm now learning words like SDK. That Android devices are often different, and that the app needs to accommodate to lots of variants of things.

Phones need USB drivers and to be set into 'Dev mode' via a fun coundown that starts 'You're only 3 taps away from being a developer!' ...

I've got hold of a Galaxy S5, which is perfectly fine for what I want to do: Currently it's 'Load anything I've compiled in Unity'

.... I'm waiting for the Android SDK to load.

*Erks are the noises I'm making.

On the plus-side, I've got a keg of Purity Ubu under my desk.

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