Wednesday 15 July 2015

Samsung Gear, HTC vive gamejam and the Avengers

Outside the Wellington pub, in the drizzly pints after joining the dazed and enthralled people who'd attended the HTC Vive GameJam at Somerset house.

Someone passed me a Gear VR and played a video that dropped me into the middle of a scene from the Avengers.

The article above is about what I saw, but the words they've used do not do the experience justice. 
Pretty sweet. Still like watching a film,but with things going on all around me that mean I'd watch it again, and again, before I felt I'd seen what I could.

Ah, and the gamejam. Yeah there were people from Valve there, the guy that wrote Monument Valley and lots of people on the cutting-edge. It's a real shame I couldn't get into the kit and see what they'd done...

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