Monday 13 July 2015

Google JUMP and why Panoramic Twist is a thing.

One of the things I'd like to use is JUMP. One day soon it will be open-source... but expensive.
That'd 16 goPro cameras all sync'd up to one 'master' camera that operates power, start-stop and frame-synching. Clever stuff... the *really* clever stuff comes when Google get hold of the footage and make it stereo.

See, you can't film one pano and shift the camera by a few centimetres and then film another pano to get stereo because that's not how it works.

Google's software sorts this out, and after reading this colourful explanation for the reason you can't get stereo from two 'side by side' panoramas makes perfect sense: 

I have to read everything else ever written on the rest of this amazing blog:

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